THUNDERFUCK : A lot of negative comments have been made about Thunderfuck over the years, unfortunately, most of them are true. He is a despicable letch who spouts his life philosophy from the stage hoping that any moronic bimbo will find him funny and spend some time with him. Surprisingly, there are a lot of moronic bimbos out there! He started The Deadly Romantics as a joke and can’t believe he is still telling the same joke 15 years later! Greasier than a fat chick on a treadmill, Thunderfuck makes the dirtiest rock bars in the world seem like the Vatican. “Every girl should be fucked by Rock and Roll” he states, “and I am Rock and Roll!” Usually leaving his hotel rooms looking like a murder scene and the stages he graces covered in bodily fluids. Thunderfuck is a 14 year old boy trapped in the body of a sixty year old woman.
DOUCHEBAG : Douchebag crawls from the grates of Glasgow. Raised on McEwans lager from an early age, the Douchebag relocated to Canada at some point in the last millennium, and proceeded to destroy all things Budweiser. He is the peace keeper in the band and being the personification of gentrification, tries to implement his simple, worry free way of life on to the other members of the band, unsuccessfully. Johnny is the “crunch” of the band coming from the Ramones style of remedial guitar playing. He is the rhythm of the band, even if he refuses to rehearse songs until everyone else knows their parts. If he was a Harry Potter character, he would be Moaning Myrtle. When he is not playing in the band you can find him at home on flight simulators trying to “Blow Up the Jerries!” His life ambition is to finally get his amplifier repaired.
CUMSOCK : Cümsock lays down the thundering bass lines leaving a stain wherever he treads. He ejaculates a sonic powerhouse and splooges all over the sonic receptors of all who stand in his way. As a true Hamilton native, Cümsock oozes steel mill stench and survives on alcohol and shatter. In the Deadly Romantics, Cümsock plays the two strings he knows with passion and is currently attending night school studying Bass Guitar Tuning. He has played in many local bands, although none as impressive as his current gig, and prides himself on having no vision nor fashion sense and allows himself to be dressed by Thunderfuck before every gig. He is the audio/visual master of the band and can often be heard talking to himself in the corner of the room discussing “X-32’s”, “SM58’s” and “Channel Snakes”!!! Whatever the fuck that is!!
McQUEEN : GREASY McQUEEN is Hamilton's Rock God extraordinaire. Adding a little class to Deadlies, Neen hails from such Hamilton luminaries as Trash Gallery, The Un-Teens and countless other projects yet to make it out of a rehearsal studio. Hired on purely because he has a couple of Les Paul's (a Deadly requirement) and, lets be honest, Johnny needs showing up. Neen goes back with Thunderfuck to 2007 when they shared a stage with Dogs D'Amour frontman Tyla on his Canadian Tour. Just wait until you see this slinky cat on the stage, whether you're a boy are girl, you will be leaving the show with wet knickers!
BALLHAMMER : Has been waiting on the sidelines for many years. While awaiting his turn in The Deadly Romantics, Ballhammer has spent the years guiding the career of WEST MEMPHIS SUICIDE and then REBEL FEW. Baz joined just in time to miss the 2024 UK Tour but has told us he will be on board for the next one. Adding that total greaser biker dude etiquette, Baz finally gives the band that three guitar assault and literally melts your face off!
CHRIS P. : Although it will be hard to replace SMASH, CHRIS smashes the drums out of the park. This musical powerhouse is about to set sail on the good ship Deadly Romantic and things are never going to be the same. He has brought an energy and new life to the band that these old bastards never thought they would see again. CHRIS P. has been known to the band for over 20 years, but none of us ever knew he was a drummer as his vocal and guitar slinging skills put us all to shame.
Yes, it's a big one! 500 pages (that's massive).
Thunderfuck wrote it and it is basically about him, but lots of people were interviewed for the book, and there is reprinting from a ton of old interviews, so not only do the guys in band get to say something, so do past members of the band like
Mick Jager, Fudd McPounder & Chubb Z'Nuff. It's only available through Amazon though as it is one of those "print to order" things.
Thunderfuck and the Deadly Romantics were formed in the industrial city of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Over a career spanning two full length releases and four EPs, the band has successfully offended people across North America and Europe. Amateur song writing and what can only be described as childish and grossly immature lyrics, the band continues to defy logic by not splitting up and going home to make better lives for themselves. Making headlines in both Canada and the UK for their lack of empathy towards the snowflake generation, and continuing to find things such as misogyny, feminism and sexism entertaining topics to sing about. The band have played such festivals as the Breaking Bands Festival in Birmingham (UK) and headlining the Croatia Bike Week in Pula (Croatia), and continue their quest to bring rock’n’roll back to the masses.
Just so you know, almost all promo photography has been taken by Jessie Taynton